Thursday, February 16, 2017

How a Dentist Performs Root Canal Therapy for Severe Toothache Relief

Root canal treatment is a simple in-office procedure in which a dentist cleans and removes infected pulp from your tooth. X-rays may be needed in order to determine how many tooth roots require treatment. The cleaning of the roots helps to remove the bacterial endotoxin causing the inflammation. It also makes the roots of your teeth inhospitable to future bacterial colonization. The roots are then closed with a sealant and a temporary filling is placed.
To perform the root canal therapy, your Maryville dentist will give you an anesthetic medication. This procedure can be done either with a local anesthetic or an anesthetic along with a sedative. These medications help to relax you and allow you to comfortably rest while the dentist performs the root canal treatment. You may be given antibiotic tablets, an antibiotic mouth rinse or a medicated gel to apply directly to your gum tissue to prevent an infection after root canal therapy. Read more from this blog

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Visiting a Dentist will Increase Your Happiness in More Ways than One

When you’re leading a busy life, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time to visit your local dentist. However, if you do make the time to visit a dentist in Maryville, TN, on a regular basis, it won’t just be your dental health that you’re improving. Studies have shown that those who take care of their oral health tend to be happier people as well. So it stands to reason that visiting a dentist near Maryville, TN could improve your overall mood, which, in itself, has even more health benefits.

Smile More

Knowing that your teeth and gums are healthy and clean will mean you’re more likely to show them off and smile. Although feeling happy causes people to smile, things work in the other direction too. When you smile, your body feels an emotional response, releases chemicals such as endorphins, and makes you feel happier. Read more from this blog.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

How Dental Implant Preparation Goes

One of the ways that you can have all of your teeth back even when you’ve already lost one is with a dental implant. . A dental exam is performed first, along with molds, to determine the treatment plan and the best way to place the implant.

Monday, December 12, 2016

How Do You Deal With Sensitive Teeth?

This might sound familiar: you’re enjoying an ice cream sundae, or drinking a cool glass of orange juice, when your tooth is suddenly hit by a sharp pain. You wonder if you might have a cavity, or if, perhaps, the filling in your tooth might have come off. While either case is possible, it may also just be a simple case of tooth sensitivity.


Tooth sensitivity occurs when the nerves in the tooth are irritated by the movement of liquids within the tubes of the dentin. Located beneath the protective enamel coating, the dentin is the layer of tissue that contains the pulp, the living part of the tooth which contains the nerves and blood vessels. The irritation usually takes place because either the enamel has been damaged or the gums have receded, thereby exposing the dentin. When this happens, the tooth becomes particularly sensitive to heat, cold, acidic substances (like citrus fruits and juices), and sometimes even touch. This can consequently create discomfort when eating or drinking.

How to Address the Problem
One way you can lessen tooth sensitivity is by maintaining good oral hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth regularly. In addition, be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush lightly so as to avoid damaging the enamel and your gums. Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth will also help alleviate the problem, although it usually takes a minimum of one month of regular use for it to take full effect. Stay away from tartar-control toothpaste though, as this can actually increase sensitivity.

Another way to make your teeth less sensitive is by avoiding substances that aggravate or contribute to the condition, such as soft drinks and acid-containing foods.

When to See a Dentist

If your tooth continues to be extremely sensitive after three or four days, then it would be best to see a dentist so as to get an accurate diagnosis. This is especially important since some other conditions, like cavities and abscesses, can also exhibit similar pain symptoms. 

Your dentist can manage tooth sensitivity in various ways. This includes performing treatments at the clinic, such as the application of sealants, or other desensitizing or filling materials, as well as prescribing products that you can apply yourself. Talk to your dentist so that he is aware of your concerns, and ask him to explain the available options. This way, you can be assured that you will receive the most effective and suitable treatment available.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Trusted Dentist Reveals Ways to Inspire Kids to Brush Their Teeth

If you are a parent with a young child, you will definitely agree on how it is a great struggle to nudge your child to brush their teeth. Most children failed to understand the significance of good dental hygiene as they see it as an unnecessary waste of time that could have been spent on more important things like playing or sleeping.

However, with a good explanation and the right parental techniques, you can entice your children to take care of their teeth even without your constant nagging for them to do so. Here are some ways recommended by a dentist.

Start early

As soon as your baby grows a tooth, you should make it a habit to clean it by wiping with a soft cloth. Read more on this article:

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ways to Get Healthy, White Teeth

Your teeth affect many aspects of your life, like your confidence and professional opportunities. Make sure they are saying the right things by implementing these tips into your regular oral hygiene routine. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to Make Your Kid’s Dental Visit Enjoyable

It's just normal for a child to not like the idea of going to a clinic. Something about it just doesn't usually appeal to them. In the end, they tend to get fussy and try to do everything in their power to get out of the clinic before they can even be attended to. The truth is that it doesn't always have to be this way. In fact, a trip to a dentist can be fuss-free and fun. Here are some tips on how to get your child to enjoy his visit to a dentist: